Lectio Divina - April 25, 2024 @ 10:30am-12pm

Lectio Divina
April 25, 2024
In this workshop you'll engage the ancient practice of Lectio Divina or "sacred reading" in which you'll be invited to meditate on a brief portion of scripture through repeated hearings of the text. You'll then be invited to respond to the text using the medium of your choosing including journaling, poetry, drawing, collage, or silence. This experience should leave you feeling more self-aware, spiritually present, and connected to God. 

Participants will not be asked to share their work, but they will have the opportunity to offer any insights they might have gained if they so choose. 

Supplies and light refreshments provided. You are welcome to bring your own materials if you choose. Free and open to the public. Limited to 15 participants.


Lectio Divina
April 25, 2024